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Weather Stations in Pennsylvania

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 1:44 am
by czenzel
Hi everyone,

My weather stations in Perkasie, Pennsylvania are two Davis Vantage Pro 2 Plus stations. Both are about 9-12' above ground and are located at two different locations of my yard. One is located at a sunrise location and the other is located at a sunset location. The advantage of these two locations is that I can compare the sunrise and sunset data to see temperature and other sensor trends throughout the day between the two variables of the sun (sun location).

I run both weather stations on two USB ports on a Mac Mini which is also hosting Internet weather radio for Allentown, Pennsylvania. The Mac Mini is running Microsoft Windows 7 in boot camp with a "hack" to run the full 64-bit Mac Boot Camp Drivers since Apple doesn't officially support 64-bit Boot Camp on that version of the Mini.

I have history for my one weather station for about 2 years now, and the new one for a little over 5 months. I have all the historical data for the weather stations, but I haven't got software such as WXSIM to do local forecasting based on the historical data.

All my data is rapid fire to Weather Underground (about every 5-6 seconds) and my weather radio streams to Weather Underground. I also developed my own script on my site to simulate "Weather Flash" using PHP. My script checks the user agent, etc. to make sure it is my weather station and then it simulates rapid fire on my own web site without relying on Weather Underground. I custom brewed it with PHP.

As far as uploading to CWOP, I haven't done much research yet. I am planning on adding CWOP as one of the places I upload to. My weather data is currently only uploaded to Weather Underground (KPAPERKA4, KPAPERKA6), and my web site.

I also have custom brewed some scripts around R-statistics for METAR analysis on the server-side. I use GRLevel3, AllisonHouse, WG Digital Atmosphere, and some other utilities for my local desktop/laptop. On the server-side of things I try to use automated utilities to create maps and stuff. I program my weather scripts in both Microsoft .NET, and open source PHP/Perl/*nix languages...

My web site is at (teamWeather) if people would like to see it.

Christopher Zenzel