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Wrong dates with plots

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:51 pm
by Wally Mayo
Any one else notice that sometimes the wrong date is put on the map next to the hour? It doesn't happen always, but quite a bit.
(Not talking about the STAMP, but the time next to the element plotted at bottom right.)

You can check to see if current map shows this at

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 4:43 pm
by Dave Exton
Hi Wally,

Don't know if this will help, but I have noticed that if you tick the box to save downloaded data to a local file, invariably DAEQ will present you with your previous download, despite the fact that you've downloaded up- to-date data. This gives the appearance of, say yesterday's date against your "new plot". Un-checking the "save" box solves the problem.

Dave Exton.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 8:18 pm
by wxwatcher
It seems the only way to update the date on the maps is to download a file from the internet. When that completes, DA will change the file 'digatmos.dtg' which is the source of the date that appears in the legend. I don't use the internet since I use NOAAPORT for my data so at 0001GMT I run a script which forces an internet download of a front file (ASUS) so the date file is then updated for the next 24 hours. It would be nice to have the date/time reflect the data from the source file rather than the plot date. Unless someone else can come up with a solution that's my 'work around'.
Hope that helps.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:12 am
by Wally Mayo
"tick the box"? Where?
Well, I use scripts anyway. Thanks.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:57 pm
by Dave Exton
Hi Wally,
The tick box I mention is under "preferences", "misc 2", "copy imported data to local file".

When I've tried to use this to save my downloaded data, as well as an error message saying that DAEQ cannot create a file, I've noted that DAEQ presents a plot of my my prevous downloads dispite the fact the I've downloaded new data, hense it gives todays date to yesterdays plots.

Unticking the box restores current dates and data.

Hope that makes sense.

Regards Dave Exton.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:19 am
by wxwatcher

My 'workaround' doesn't always work---sorry. I can't figure out why it doesn't always pick up what's in the .dtg file. I saw a post from Tim saying that's where the legend gets its date. I've even edited that file and deliberately put in an old date to see if it always picks up that date/time but nope. Its really annoying if you don't use the internet for downloads (which triggers the date update). I noticed your maps don't have the correct date on them either. What if you have a ingest file from a previous month that you want to re-plot/analyze? I would think a easy way of addressing this would be to have a date/time variable in the script that would be placed in the legend.


Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 12:44 pm
by Wally Mayo
"Unticking the box restores current dates and data."

I already have the box unticked (I guess by default). I'm not using Internet Retrieve, but pure scripted DOWNLOADS. Inspecting the raw file shows the right date, and the right data (not old) IS being plotted.

Hmmm, it it correct about doing a RETRIEVE. That puts the right date on. But the script parsing needs to be fixed, I guess.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 5:39 pm
by gkasica
Wally Mayo wrote:"Unticking the box restores current dates and data."

I already have the box unticked (I guess by default). I'm not using Internet Retrieve, but pure scripted DOWNLOADS. Inspecting the raw file shows the right date, and the right data (not old) IS being plotted.

Hmmm, it it correct about doing a RETRIEVE. That puts the right date on. But the script parsing needs to be fixed, I guess.
Wally I just noticed it here with 1.05 Equinox myself, as you know I run all scripts to get data and create maps and the ALL have a date of Wed 17-Jan-07 which by cooincidence is the date of release of the 1.05 program that I'm running....I wonder if its not hard coded in the thing someplace as the file reflects the right time. I'd try the latest release but the ingest command on it is completely broken and wont ingest a thing.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:13 am
by Greg Higgins
Why do you seem to be the only person that has ingest problems?

Greg Higgins

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:28 pm
by gkasica
Greg Higgins wrote:George,
Why do you seem to be the only person that has ingest problems?

Greg Higgins
Greg, I really have no idea, but I can reproduce the problem as often as anyone would like to see it. It works in 1.05 and is broken via script command INGEST in everything after that. I've written to Tim several times via te contact form and have had nothing for a response not even an "I'm looking at it" so at this point I'm on 1.05 and sitting here waiting as there's nothing in the docs about any changes to ingest syntax or performance and without that I have no idea how to proceed.

THe following works in 1.05 and all previous versions:
ingest,E:\Program Files\DigAtmEquinox\data\*.*

and fails with nothing ingested and no errors just three READY statements in anything later than 1.05 and I have made NO changes to the other code in months.


» Running script TESTING.dsf: ingest,E:\Program Files\DigAtmEquinox\data\*.*
» Ready.
» Ready