Tell me what bug fixes you want

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Tim Vasquez
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Tell me what bug fixes you want

Post by Tim Vasquez »

Please post the most important items you would like to see fixed in the next patch. Also feel free to add details about how you'd like to see it implemented; I may take you up on your idea. I'll also use the earlier threads where I asked this same question.

If you've already E-mailed me, I have your requests on file.

Things are finally calming down with the new baby and Digital Atmosphere work has picked back up again. Having a baby and a programming job do not mix very well.


Tim Vasquez
Alessandro Mandelli
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Post by Alessandro Mandelli »

The dreaded %1 bug is my first wish :oops:

If I have another one, that would be preventing isopleths labels to overlap when two or more products are plotted on the same chart.

Thanks for the good work.
Posts: 24
Joined: Fri Mar 26, 2004 1:04 am

Post by rosmanson »

The Storm tracks bug, never seems too work now...I can get you an example if needed.......and the upper air data bug.....the small box, rather than the full info on the screen......
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Post by rosmanson »

Sorry, I guess I should use the new update before I make any suggestions...I see that the Sounding is semi-fixed.....I still would love to see the option of seeing items such as TT and K etc.....
Carl Sidor
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Tell me what bug fixes you want

Post by Carl Sidor »

On the subject of bug fixes, the most personally annoying thing I would like to see fixed is the habit of DAWS to return to the original base map whenever I erase the current map that I am working on. I have a nice USA map setup as my basemap, but when I want to view local radar data, I use a Michigan map with county lines overlaid on it, as the radar I am viewing is KGRR. The Load Basemap function works fine, and the Radar display is excellent, but when I erase, to go to the next radar function, the good old USA appears instead of Michigan. Now, I am as patriotic as the next man, but until I tell DAWS that I no longer desire the Michigan map, it would be nice if the erase function only cleared the current map, and did not return me to the USA map. I do not know if this is possible, but it is truly a goal worth seeking, in my opinion. Since the installation of the 'g' patch this morning, I have observed that the following problems are still with us. The 1000-500 mb thickness command still returns a grid pattern with no values. The command "sea level pressure" returns only one or two isobars. I checked the data with DA2000, and the usual number of isobars were there, so the data is not at fault. At 850 mb, the balanced height field returned only 1 contour, and at 500 mb, the absolute vorticity command returned 1 line, labeled 10, and three large blue diamonds in the display. One odd item that I have noticed, and would like to know if any one else noted this; the surface station plots seemed rather sparse as far as the continental US was concerned, but the adjoining oceans seemed overpopulated with stations. I was unaware that there were that many sea observing stations. Could an alternate expalanation be that maybe DAWS has a plotting disability? (Plotting challenge for the politically correct crowd.)
Wally Mayo
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Post by Wally Mayo »

What happens is the ERASE command goes and pulls up the file temp0.bmp for the visible map, though not temp0.dmf - so you get plotting based on the last map but with the temp0.bmp (last saved CREATED map) map overlay - thus not matching. Anyway, I think Tim knows about it. I also think "g" had just a couple of tweaks to mainly get out a new 60-day extension, while the "serious" work is really going on in the next version.
It is a pretty basic thing though, and it will need top attention.

Post by Weasel »

Would be great if you could get the GRIB import to start functioning as it should. The way it stands now, no matter which product I select, the plots are always the same value.

Thanks, Tim!!
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New Workchart

Post by SteveHmeyer »

I am running DAWS with the "g" patch and inadvertently closed the Workchart. The problem is that "New Workchart" is greyed out in the File drop down menu so I cannot spawn a new workchart.

When I try to load a map the information box tells me there is "no available workchart".

When I close and reopen DAWS the workchart area is blank. Re-installing DAWS fixes the problem, but this is a pain since many personal style choices I make then disappear.

I can spawn a new workchart by generating a new base map but then I am back into the "erase map" problem detailed in the next paragraph.l

I too have the problem with erasing a workchart and havingthe original map reappear. Becuase I use a specific base map almost always I not only changed the files


to the map I use, as mentioned in earlier posts by others but had to change the files


to the base map I use. This solved the problem.

Also a straight forward way (if such a thing exists forgive me I am relatively new to DAWS) for putting a time/date/data type stanp on analysis maps with and without data would be nice.

Also the time on the forum system seems to be off it says I am posting this at 6:38AM Fri June 04. It is 21:38EDT June 03 or 01:38UTC June 4 as I am typing this. It is 06:38AM Friday in Karachi and Islamabad.

Steve Horstmeyer
Wally Mayo
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Post by Wally Mayo »


Don't forget that the analysis smoothing doesn't work - i.e. Nearest Neighbor 3 smoothing passes looks no different than 0 smoothing pass.
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Adding Celsius to the menu

Post by hoevenm »

After a installation I need to add the following to the digatmos.mnu, to enable displaying the values in Celsius. Can this be added to the standard release?

Temperature (deg C) |CONT CINT=1 COLOR=200,0,0 DASH TEMP
Temperature (deg F) |CONT CINT=5 COLOR=200,0,0 DASH DEGF TEMP
Potential temperature (deg K) |CONT CINT=1 COLOR=200,100,0 DOTS THTA
Wind chill (deg F) |CONT CINT=5 COLOR=0,0,200 DOTS WCHL
Dewpoint (deg C) |CONT CINT=1 COLOR=0,150,0 DWPT
Dewpoint (deg F) |CONT CINT=5 COLOR=0,150,0 DEGF DWPT
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