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HELP Command Problem Solved

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 1:49 am
by jkrob

The HELP Command bug has been solved thanks to George Phillips. He pointed out that the HELPC.DAT file was not included in the Complete distribution and he had no copy in his /HELP directory. The light went off in my head, I renamed HELPG.DAT to HELPG-1.DAT, tried the HELP TPCP command and PCGRIDDS32 returned a blank second line which is just what others were seeing.

PCGRIDDS32 is supposed to have three HELP files in the /HELP directory - HELP.DAT, HELPC.DAT (for Commands) and HELPG.DAT (for Grid parameters [HGHT, TPCP, etc.] ). Come to find out, if PCGRIDDS32 is missing one of those files, it doesn't complain & inform you, it just returns a blank line. Evidently, not everyone has a complete, up-to-date set of HELP files for whatever reason.

With that knowledge, the PCGRIDDS32 v3.1 release later this week will also include a separate zip file containing the three help files for everyone to include with their system to eliminate this bug.

I appologize for letting this slip by and not including these files.

Thanks again,
Jeff Krob
PCGRIDDS32 System Developer

PS - you don't have to write to Microsoft to complain ;-)