About Weather Graphics
Weather Graphics is the creation of meteorologist Tim Vasquez. It was officially born in July 1992. It offered a single radar analysis program called RadarScan. Some surface analysis capabilities were added, and in late 1992 it was renamed Weather Pro. The success of the project led to a full-fledged surface and radar analysis software program called WeatherGraphix, which is a solid package still being used to this very day by a few MS-DOS fanatics. The software was developed entirely by Tim Vasquez to bring the forecast desk to the home.
With Microsoft Windows revolutionizing PC operating systems, Tim responded in 1996
creating a Windows-based analysis program, similar to WeatherGraphix, called Digital Atmosphere.
The program's code now fully capitalizes on 32-bit system architecture and represents our
top-notch analysis package.
Weather Graphics Technologies has continued to specialize in books, software,
weather forecasting services, severe weather targeting
services, meteorology training, and related consulting work. All programming, development,
and support originates from Norman, Oklahoma and Palestine, Texas.
About Tim Vasquez
Tim Vasquez is an accomplished author, programmer, and consultant. He was greatly influenced by Texas weather legends Alan Moller, Tim Marshall, and Harold Taft. As a part-time job he began writing the daily weather page for the Garland Daily News in 1984. His full-time forecasting career began in 1989 with an assignment to Det 8, 25 WS, Tonopah Test Range, Nevada, where he provided weather services for the F-117A Stealth Fighter. In 1993 he began work at 7 OSS/OSW, Dyess AFB, where he provided forecasts and warnings for the Texas B-1B Lancer fleet and participated in Operation Support Hope in Africa, and also worked part-time at KTXS-12 weather in Abilene. In 1995 he worked as a lead forecaster at the Korean theater forecast unit and was the regular on-air weathercaster at AFKN (AFRTS) Seoul. In 1996 he sought to relocate to the Norman, Oklahoma weather mecca and took on an assignment at Det 7, AFGWC with the Automated Weather Network data processing system.
In 1998 Tim left the U.S. Air Force to put full time work into Weather Graphics. He greatly expanded his software products and began authoring a series of books for operational forecasters. He also began conducting training seminars and consulting work. Most recently he was recognized in the international media for his detailed studies on the weather affecting Air France flight 447 and appeared on the BBC, CBS Evening News, The Weather Channel, and other networks. He continues to live in Norman, Oklahoma. For more information about Tim Vasquez and his latest projects and interests, visit his personal website.